Scotland’s seven cities require a “New Deal” with the Scottish and UK Governments that “will enable them to compete, innovate and support the inclusive growth outcome at the centre of the Government’s economic vision for Scotland” according to a report from the The Scottish Cities Alliance.
The Alliance — involving Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness, Perth and Stirling — said Scotland’s cities now contribute more than half of Scotland’s “Gross Value Added” and more than 60% of employment.
“They remain the key driver of the national economy,” said the Alliance.
“However, they face significant challenges if they are to remain competitive globally.
“In particular, English cities are gaining a competitive advantage as a result both of their City Region Deals and Devolution Deals and their ability to benefit from new working arrangements with key partners.”
The Alliance said a new partnership for Scottish cities requires local government, central government, national agencies and key business stakeholders to work collaboratively to maximize the benefits from both local decision-making and joint working on prioritized national outcomes if Scottish cities are to reach their economic potential.
Read the report here: