Scotland’s onshore GDP grew by 2% in April as the stay at home restriction was lifted and the phased re-opening of consumer-facing services began, according to new statistics announced by the Chief Statistician.
Output remains 3.7% below the pre-pandemic level in February 2020, but is now 1.1% above the previous high point in October, before restrictions were tightened over the autumn and winter months.
Output in the services sector grew by 2.6% compared to March, driven by the phased easing of restrictions for accommodation and food services, non-essential retail and other consumer-facing services during the month, as well as the return to in-school learning for all secondary school pupils.
Output in the production sector increased by 0.8% overall, with an increase of 3.8% in manufacturing offset by falls in the other three production subsectors.
Output in the construction sector is estimated to have decreased by 2%.