Brazil grants special protected status to Scotch

Brazil has granted special protected status to Scotch Whisky in a move that could be worth around £25 million over five years and will give distillers better access to South America’s largest economy, strengthening international recognition and intellectual property for Scotland’s national drink.

According to industry estimates, Brazil is in the top five global growth markets for alcohol over the next five years and its population of over 200 million people already have an appreciation for whisky, with almost £90 million of Scotch being exported to Brazil in 2023 alone.

This new status is known as a Geographical Indication (GI).

The UK’s annual GI exports are estimated to be worth over £6 billion and account for 25% of UK food and drink exports’ value.

In 2023 alone, Scotch exports were worth £5.6 billion, accounting for 74% of Scottish food and drink exports and 22% of all UK food and drink exports.

Scotch Whisky Association CEO Mark Kent said: “As the first foreign product to be granted Denomination of Origin status in Brazil since 2019, Scotch Whisky now sits beside Tequila, Cognac and Champagne with special legal protection.

“This is fundamental to ensure that millions of Brazilians can have confidence in the quality and history of what they’re buying.

“Achieving this status is ‘Brand Scotland’ in action.

“Removing trade barriers and securing legal protections for Scotch Whisky is critical to the industry’s success, helping to increase exports and in turn creating more jobs, investment and prosperity in Scotland and across the UK.”

UK Intellectual Property Office CEO Adam Williams said: “The UK IPO places significant importance on supporting UK businesses wanting to export internationally. This is why we have an established network of IP attaches in key markets around the world.

“We were thrilled to be able to support the Scotch Whisky Association in securing this GI through our Latin America and Caribbean attaché, based in Brazil. We will continue to work with UK exporters in-country to increase their knowledge and confidence of the Brazilian IP system.”

UK Business & Trade Secretary Jonathan Reynolds said: “Scotch Whisky is one of Scotland’s finest products and is in high demand across the globe.

“This Government is committed to maximising Scotland’s potential, and today’s announcement gives Scottish distillers the confidence they need to export to one of the world’s largest economies without having to compete with fake knock-offs and pale imitations.

“Businesses who export more are better off, and removing trade barriers like this will unlock more global markets and drive economic growth across the UK.”