Mega Firth of Forth Green Port bid by Forth Ports

Forth Ports, Scotland’s largest ports operator and owner of seven Scottish ports on the east coast, said on Tuesday it has “intimated” to the Scottish Government that it will “submit a proposal for a Green Port encompassing key ports, industrial complexes and logistics centres along the north and south shores of the Firth of Forth and at Edinburgh Airport.”

Forth Ports said the Scottish Government “has invited expressions of interest for the creation of a Green Port, which is a large, zoned area with a defined boundary within which operators and businesses can benefit from a package of financial and customs incentives” which can attract inward investment.

Forth Ports’ primary shareholder is Canada’s Public Sector Pension Investment Board (PSP Investments). Other investors include Australian pension funds First State Super and Cbus, and UK pension fund GLIL.

“Subject to sight of the Scottish Government’s full Green Ports prospectus, Forth Ports … proposes that the Firth of Forth Green Port will encompass strategic locations along the Forth Estuary, including Grangemouth (home to Scotland’s Freight Hub and principal petrochemical cluster) and the Port of Leith, where Forth Ports announced in May that it plans to create a £40 million renewable energy hub,” said Forth Ports.

“Fife and the City of Edinburgh are also expected to feature in Forth Ports’ Green Ports bid.

“Forth Ports are currently evaluating sites in Fife along the North Shore of the Firth of Forth from Longannet to Rosyth.

“Edinburgh Airport is also expected to feature for its international connectivity.

“Each of these locations are uniquely placed to deliver on all of the objectives of the proposed Green Ports policy.

“Forth Ports, supported by Edinburgh City Council, Falkirk Council and Fife Council, believes that the Firth of Forth Green Port will play a major role in Scotland’s recovery from Covid-19 and accelerate the country’s transition to meeting net zero targets, by providing investment incentives, with a long-term positive impact on Scotland’s economic growth.”

Forth Ports ports around the UK including Tilbury, Leith, Rosyth, Grangemouth, Dundee and Fife Ports.

Forth Ports CEO Charles Hammond said: “Our interest in creating a Firth of Forth Green Port is underpinned by our belief in the government policy behind it to create economic zones for investment and regeneration and we are committed to supporting the development of this Green Port policy.

“The Firth of Forth, spanning from Central Scotland to the country’s east coast, is the critical engine for Scotland’s economic recovery.

“The creation of the Firth of Forth Green Port will encourage greater inclusive growth, fair work practices and help deliver Scotland’s net zero economy.

“We are starting to see investment and regeneration benefits since the Thames Freeport announcement earlier this year and we believe it is as important that Scotland’s main industrial and business area sees similar benefits in a similar timescale.

“This would support the transition to net zero and at the same time, create good quality green industrial employment.”