Advertising worth £8.8bn to Scottish GDP

Advertising contributed £8.8 billion to Scottish gross domestic product (GDP) in 2015 — about 5.6% of the Scottish economy — according to a new report from Biggar Economics called “Advertising Pays Scotland.”

The report said advertising revenues supported 42,000 jobs across Scotland, including those for people involved in the commissioning, creation and production of advertising.

“In 2015, companies spent £1.7 billion on advertising in Scotland – but, by increasing activity across the economy, the contribution of advertising to GDP was much greater than this … ” said the report.

“Advertising fuels the media and creative industries.

“It provides two fiths of all newspaper revenues, provides a third of all TV revenues and supports creative sectors – from photography, music and design to film production.

“Advertising underpins the digital economy, funding content and internet services from search engines and social media to instant messaging and email providers.

“Advertising saves society money by supporting social policy and changing attitudes towards harmful or antisocial behaviour …

“This report focuses on the far-reaching economic impact of advertising activities in Scotland, and its positive effect on consumers, society and the wider economy.

“It finds that, on average, £1 of advertising spend generates £5 for the Scottish economy.

“That means the £1.7 billion spent in 2015 generated £8.8 billion for the Scottish economy.”